
133nd Season Opens with In-Person Worship
The Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire recently announced its support for their churches to return to indoor worship. COVID infections have dropped drastically, primarily because a high percentage of NH citizens are vaccinated. We at Emmanuel are thrilled to open the doors and greet one another, with a few safety precautions still in place.
Beginning on Sunday, June 27th through Sunday, September 5th at 9:00 a.m., the Very Reverend Gideon Pollach and Reverend John Branson return along with their families to join us in celebrating the liturgy. Gideon will preach through July, and John will follow in August and September. The photo was taken at the first service, this year.
As hosts to those attending church, we continue to be mindful that the pandemic is still in our midst. We want our church community and our guests to be safe and have these guidelines in place:
- There is no physical distancing required.
- A service leaflet contains the order and the readings. Hymnals are available.
- Everyone will wear a mask inside the church. We have them to handout.
- If you choose not to wear a mask, you will be invited to sit on the Tiffany Window lawn. Sound amplification is available. Bring your own chair.
- Children will come to the service, as there is no child care. We have several children under 12 years of age that have not been vaccinated.
- Singing is aloud, while wearing a mask.
- The Sacrament (in one kind—the Bread), will be distributed by the Priest, for those inside and outside
- The Offering Baskets will be in the back of the church to avoid many hands passing to one another.
- Social time after church replaces Coffee Hour for the time being, out front.
Our Service Ministry program is looking for people to be involved as Readers, Ushers, provider of flowers, and Altar Guild. You may sign-up on the UBER Clipboard in the back of the church or through the website by Clicking HERE
On behalf of the Managing Committee, we look forward to greeting you, especially this summer.
Blessings ~
Ellen Avery
One License license number: 731394-A
Morning Prayer Rite 2 from Emmanuel Church. Dublin, New Hampshire The Presider is the Rev. John Branson The Preacher is...
Posted by Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Dublin NH on Sunday, June 28, 2020
Weekly Service Ministry Opportunities

Emmanuel Church relies on parishioners to make up the Service Ministry each Sunday! If you are new to Emmanuel or new to helping out, "fear not" as help and support is available from veteran service volunteers. Signing up is easy! The "Uber" Board can be found in the entry way to the church. The entire summer is listed along with the opportunities to serve. Someone will guide y…
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The summer chapels of the Diocese of New Hampshire, of which Emmanuel is one, have a long history of pastoral care and support for those families and persons who find these chapels significant in their faith life and spiritual growth. The chance to “come away” and “come apart” similar to Jesus’ retreats to the hills, mountains, and wilderness of Palestine offer renewal and refres…
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