Weekly Service Ministry Opportunities

Emmanuel Church relies on parishioners to make up the Service Ministry each Sunday! If you are new to Emmanuel or new to helping out, "fear not" as help and support is available from veteran service volunteers. Signing up is easy! The "Uber" Board can be found in the entry way to the church. The entire summer is listed along with the opportunities to serve. Someone will guide you if you have any questions.
- Altar Guild ~ Prepare God's Table for the Service and Eucharist
- Flowers ~ Two arrangements are provided at the Altar. Vases are available in the Sacristy.
- Ushers ~ Two people greet parishioners as they arrive, provide answers to questions, pass the offering plate, and manage the flow of people going up for the Eucharist, as well as bring the Priest and Eucharistic Minister to parishioners at their seats.
- Readers ~ Two people each take a reading from either the Old Testament or the Epistle (New Testament).
Reminders are sent out in the weekly E~Pistle newsletter, complete with readings If you have not signed up to receive the newsletter, please click here.
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