Spring Greetings from Senior Warden

May 2024
Dear Emmanuel Church Parishioner,
My spring letter is a bit late this year as I was waiting for the results of the election of their next bishop by the Diocese of Massachusetts. As most of you know, The Very Rev. Gideon Pollach was one of the candidates. I am sorry to report that Gideon was not elected, but that he represented himself very well and it came down to the final two candidates. However, Gideon has advised me that he will be with us through the end of July, five Sundays, celebrating the Eucharist, preaching and holding his weekly bible study in the Rectory.
So, we will begin our 136th year of summer worship on Sunday June 30th at 9:00am.
Our August Priest in Charge, Rev. Abby VanderBrug, has informed me that she has left her position at Holderness School and has accepted a call at a church in La Jolla, California. We are in the process of searching for this summer’s August priest. If we cannot find a candidate for August, we will call on supply priests from the area to conduct August services.
As I write this letter, Arlington Paving has put the first coat of pavement on the main parking lot and on the driveway from the lower lot to Dublin Rd. Two more finish coats will be applied later this week. Our cars’ shocks absorbers will be grateful.
I want to take a moment to thank Ted Pearre for all he is doing for Emmanuel. This spring he has organized the Dublin School Saturday morning work gangs to clean up the campus, spread new mulch and coordinate with Arlington on the paving project. The campus looks spectacular.
Bob Englund would like me to remind you that Monadnock Music will present one of their Community Concerts at Emmanuel Church on Thursday July 11th at 7:00pm. We had a full house last summer for their concert and expect the same this summer, so mark your calendar.
All is ready. But there is one more little project. I would encourage you to prayerfully go and get your checkbook and make your annual contribution to Emmanuel Church. The Managing Committee has carefully crafted a very responsible budget, but it is only with your contributions that we can operate Emmanuel Church each summer. Please be as generous as you can. We have enclosed a response envelope for your convenience.
I look forward to seeing you all at Emmanuel Church this summer.
William Raymond, Sr. Warden