Senior Warden's Year-End Update 2024

The Emmanuel campus looks wonderful and that is because for the four Saturdays in late October and early November Ted and a terrific group of students have tackled the falling leaves and the tens of thousands of acorns. Ted is amazing with the students and one of the things he likes to do is to bring them into the church so they can see what it looks like and hear a bit about it. I showed up one Saturday morning and the kids were sitting quietly listening to Ted, who then introduced me, and I gave them a short Emmanuel history lesson. They were curious about the stained-glass windows and were amazed at what good shape the church was in considering the build date of 1888. So, the church, the Rectory and the grounds are all buttoned up and ready for winter. Once again, Ted Pearre, thank you very much for all your time and effort.
Ellen Avery has agreed to spearhead the search for our next August priest-in-charge. I can now tell you that Alice Courtright and her husband are headed to Hong Kong where he has accepted a call from the Anglican cathedral to be the priest-in-charge in Discovery Bay at a satellite church. While I am happy for them, I am sad that they will not be at Emmanuel next summer, as many of us thought Alice was the perfect August priest for our church. Ellen and I will put together a small committee and start the process. I think we all agree that a priest with a young family is the profile we hope for. I will keep you all informed about the process.
Thinking about next summer, we hope to make some upgrades to the Rectory master bath. There has been a suggestion that a window air conditioner for the master bedroom might be nice for those hot July days. And we may do some interior painting and some exterior staining of entrance ways to the Rectory and the church.
If for some reason, you have forgotten to make your annual contribution to Emmanuel, I hope you will now remember. And, if you chose to make your pledge to the roof project over three years and have not fulfilled year 2, please do that before the year ends. Checks can be sent to Box 30, Dublin, NH 03444.
As always, I thank you all, as ever, for your ongoing generosity to Emmanuel Church. Best wishes for a happy and holy Christmas.
Bill Raymond, Senior Warden