Senior Warden Update

March 2024
Dear Emmanuel Church Parishioners,
I received a call from Very Rev. Gideon Pollach last week informing me that he is one of the four nominees to become the next Bishop of Massachusetts. Naturally, as you can imagine, I kind of gulped, thinking, “Oh no…Gideon won’t be with us this coming summer.” But as it turns out, it is very likely that he will be in residence with the family for this coming July at Emmanuel Church.
The election is in May and, if elected, he wouldn’t be consecrated and installed until October. I attach his letter below and ask that you hold Gideon and the Pollach family in your prayers. Being a nominee in a bishop search is exhausting and Gideon will need all the moral and prayer support we can give him.
In other news, the Managing Committee has voted to re-pave the upper parking lot and the lower driveway (from the lower parking lot out to Dublin Rd.) this spring. This will be paid for out of our invested funds. Your vehicles will thank us.
Our opening Sunday will be June 30th, so mark your calendars.
I hope you all have enjoyed your winter wherever you may be.