Rev. Abby VanderBrug ~ In Her Own Words
Dear People of Emmanuel Dublin,
Greetings from Holderness on this snowy week in March! Before we know it, spring will be here and we will all be on the cusp of glorious summertime in New Hampshire. My family and I are so excited to serve with you all as Priest-in-Charge during the month of August.
I understand Emmanuel Dublin to be a special, holy, and sacred place for spiritual life and respite. I am excited to learn more about you and create meaningful relationships, and I also thought you might not know as much about me, so here’s some things about my life. Originally, I am from Michigan, and still consider myself a mid-westerner. I discerned a calling into the priesthood at a small, service-orientated, parish in Michigan while I was in my late 20s.
We moved out to Greenwich, CT in 2019 for my first call as priest at Christ Church Greenwich. While there, I served as a Chaplain to the preschool (and also the gym teacher because #covid), and as their Associate Priest for Children and Young Families in the parish. In 2021, we moved to Holderness, New Hampshire so that I could serve full time as a school Chaplain, a calling that I love. I do many things at the school, including chair the Theology Department, organize chapel services, provide student and family support, coach tennis, live in a dorm, and ski/snowshoe on our trails as often as I can. It’s a full and beautiful life.
My family includes my husband, Michael, whom you will most likely see fishing or sailing this summer, his two favorite pastimes. I also have two small children, Rozzy (age 3, almost 4), and Crosby (age 1). They are delightful balls of energy, fun, and goodness. We will certainly spend a lot of time getting ice cream, swimming, and at the library in Dublin.
Being at parish in the summer felt like a great opportunity to be immersed in parish ministry again. I am most looking forward to preaching and celebrating the Eucharist, and hosting a Bible study on that gorgeous back porch. Of course, I could not leave out that I am also excited about the lake, finding some great running routes in Dublin, and making sweet memories with all of you.
Until then, I ask that you keep me in your prayers, as you will be mine. If you have questions or would like to chat, please feel free to contact me.
The Rev. Abby VanderBrug
(616) 334-2650
[email protected]
Tags: Leadership