136th Summer Services Begin, Sunday, June 30th at 9:00 a.m.

Welcome Home ~
The Managing Committee looks forward to your return to Emmanuel Church, one of 9 Summer Chapels in the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire. If you will be attending for the first time, we welcome you.
This summer, we are blessed to have several voices gracing our pulpit. Returning for his 10th year, the Very Reverand Gideon L.K. Pollach will be in residence for the first five Sundays, thru July, along with his wife Sarah, three children, and standard poodle, Berkley.
In August, Reverend Cathy George (Emmanuel Priest 1988 - 1996) returns for the first Sunday. For the remaining three Sundays, Right Reverend Andrew Dietsche, retired 16th Bishop of New York will join us. He and his wife have retired to Sharon, NH.
Our final Sunday, September 1st will be celebrated by Reverend Alice Courtright, former Dean of the Chapel at St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. Alice is a writer, a poet, and retreat leader living in New York. She and her family, husband Drew, also an Episcopal Priest, and their three children will be in residence at the Rectory for the last week in August.
God is good.